Got our first graphs from our @arduino based crab cage temp/humid monitor. Gets cool at night, but stays moist. Adding R/T clock tonight.
Delighted to learn that the analog input pins on the @arduino can also act as digital outputs. I needed a few extra output pins!
I’m a little behind on my time sheets — my company’s answer to “TPS reports”. Catching on 32 weeks’ worth.
Network is down at work… not just the internet, but the whole she-bang. With the cloud, sometimes comes the rain.
I usually don’t do Christmas music until Dec 1st. However, if I must… at least let it be Mannheim Steamroller.
Gnome3: You HAVE to click-to-focus. Otherwise, you would not be able access menus for some applications.
Upgraded to Ubuntu 11.10 at work. Giving the new Fisher-Price - I mean gnome3/unity - desktop UI an honest chance.
Can not “sign out” of the mobile @twitter site. Just redirects to mobile . twitter . com with my avatar, still signed in.
Happy crabby!
Woot! Mini boarduino and LCD are working! (Thanks to @adafruit & @arduino)
Watching a re-run of the 11/19 Iowa Thanksgiving Family Forum (GOP debate). This should’ve been a Halloween forum… it’s pretty scary.
Finally soldering all of my new toys from @adafruit - LCD, SD card holder, mini-boarduino.
Very happy that @arduino uses plain old C/C++, and that “wiring” is just some preprocessor macros and libraries.
@amessyroom I use “keepass” - It’s free, open source. It works on Linux/Mac/Windows/iPhone. Nice UI does not display PW, uses clipboard.
joneilloine This is how the Curiosity Rover will land on Mars…Holy Hell
Finally got sane values out of my temperature/humidity sensor on the @arduino. Had to use a logic analyzer to debug it. Yay!
@base10 Mandarin Pinyin pronunciation in a nutshell -
Showing the girls how to find the center of the pumpkin pie circle using just a right angle (newspaper page). #geekdad
shawnp0wers Things I’m totally not doing tomorrow: Shopping.
@nivex This cool kid was using the gnome monitor widget… until gnome went all Mac on him. Now searching for an xfce equivalent.
For some reason, it still feels like the day BEFORE a holiday to me.
Awesome telescope is awesome!
“Mowing the grass” this time of year really means “vacuuming up the leaves with a mower”.
Lunch with the third graders… delicious (cheese poppers), nutritious (corn & black eyed peas) and educational (boys can burp the ABC’s)!
The Chumby is now showing car insurance ads in my children’s bedroom.
AstinTO Great idea for the GOP debate tonight. Each candidate gets waterboarded while being pepper-sprayed. Then asked if that was torture.
Nice weekend… my chair is now butt-shaped, and my butt is now chair-shaped.
Added a pull-up resistor to my I2C bus on the @arduino. Now the temperature is 615.25°C.
According to my @arduino-based temperature sensor, it is 612.70°C in my mad scientist lab.
Bit-banging some I2C.
Scheduling D1’s afternoon down to the half-hour. School work, scout stuff, a geeky maker project, birthday party and blog updates!
The way to get D2 to eat vegetables…
Finally watching “Clay Shirky on Love, Internet Style”, a very insightful 10-minute speech by @cshirky
Girl scouts just got back from a day at camp… I think tonight’s gonna be filled with camp song entertainment!
Desktop roundup - XFCE+compiz is taking the lead.
@nivex I am still stuck on what to do on my work PC, still running maverick (because natty was a step backwards).
Mailman just came, still no package from @adafruit! Ordered on 11/10, shipped via USPS on 11/11. No toys this weekend. <sad face>
Unimpressed with gnome3, not a fan of kde4, so I’m shopping around for a new desktop package. So far, LXDE+compiz is the winner. #choices
@nivex Test-driving Enlightenment, LXDE and XFCE4. KDE4 never appealed to me.
Did an “apt-get dist-upgrade” on my Linux Mint laptop and it dropped a big Gnome3 gnome-shell turd on me.
Hurry up and wait — YES, we are doing a software build today. NO, I can’t check my code in. Don’t worry, we’ll build again… in 14 days??!
What is GOP candidate Jon Huntsman doing on ESPN, hosting “The Herd”? (Or is Colin Cowherd JH’s twin?)
RT @grap3_ap3: The best thing about UDP jokes is that I don’t care if you get them or not.
RapGenius Corporations are people, Pizza is a vegetable, the Internet will be censored and protest is illegal. Welcome to 21st century America.
schneierblog EU Bans X-Ray Body Scanners: The European Union has banned X-ray full body scanners at airports. Millimeter wave…
Occupy Bus Stop encampment.
@amessyroom I haven’t seen any idle messages from you in a while.
jackie_singh Complete List of Airports with Whole Body Imaging/Advanced Imaging Technology Scanner - FlyerTalk Forums
RT @NASAKennedy: What are your plans for Black Friday? We’ll be launching a rover to Mars! @MarsCuriosity is scheduled to lift off at 10 …
@jbroome Dunno about the kids reading Marx. But you have to admit, Daddy does resemble Lenin a bit.
Uh oh, came home to sniffly kids. And now I am starting to feel a bit phlegmy. Time to pop the zinc and vitamin C pills!
Colleague texted me, asked me to call him in 10 min to get out of a mtg. - Iphone already does that, called “alarm”. Welcome to the future!
D2 has a debilitating case of the giggles.
@amessyroom You DO know that you’ve been tweeting your idle/away status all weekend, right? Bitlbug?
Phooey - My heavily-firewalled-but-wide-open wifi is interfering with IPv6 on my home network. Now I must choose… cruel fate!
Our awesome kids fixed us an awesome breakfast!
MikeOpera Losers in tonight’s GOP debate: Geneva Convention and employee at CBS in charge of live feed. #GOPdebate
Spent most of the day in a data center, upgrading @TriLUG’s main server. Mission accomplished, but dang, now it’s dark!
Attendees gather in our living room before the royal wedding for Princess Cookie & Prince Spot!
While we wait for our @arduino & parts from @adafruit, I’m teaching my 10yo daughter that I2C is like talking in code using 2 jump-ropes.
D1: I’m pretty sure that elf poots smell like peppermint.
At the @TriLUG meeting. Wondering why Red Hat’s flag is flying at half-mast.
To my Indian friends: Happy “Guru Nanak’s Birthday”
My co-workers claim that I have a “geek-dar”… I can sense a gathering of geeks, and I go join them.
I contributed to Project Gutenberg. — OK, so I only fixed a small typo. But the whole idea of constant reader-led improvement is awesome!
Today I am earning my keep, not by actually working myself, but by preventing others from doing unnecessary work.
rayleee Do Americans realise that tomorrow is 11/11/11 and not 11/11/11?
“Winter” is the name of my kids’ Elf-on-the-Shelf. And she is becoming more active these days.
Got distracted by the elephant circus… now trying to decide whether to place my order with @adafruit or wait until their G+ VIP discount.
“CNBC is not streaming the debate online. Tune in to cable TV to watch.” — Hello? 1980 called… they want their TV back!
10yo daughter and I are putting together an order for @adafruit… awesomeness delivered by mail!
Happy Carl Sagan Day to all beings on the Pale Blue Dot -
Deleted and re-installed the @SpiderOak app and now it works. I feel a combination of “whew” and “yuck”.
Uh oh, @SpiderOak iphone app crashes on start-up, leaving me without access to my STUFF. D’oh!
Night sky is dominated by the full moon and Jupiter.
Writing code that diddles with time zones… again! This time, in PHP and mysql.
Today’s lunch was a taco salad weighing 2.15 POUNDS. I am proud that I only ate half of it… but that’s still a lot of taco salad! *burp*
@mtdotnet Sorry, I see you’ve already been down that path. I still like that theory. Maybe those addr’s are RR’s privates, not TM’s.
@mtdotnet Your T-mobile/DoD answer is here: - It’s not DoD, it’s a “fake” RFC1918.
@adafruit - Is there any chance of getting black-on-yellow 20x4 LCD’s. I’m not a fan of white-on-blue.
T-Mobile is using (non-publicly-routeable) DoD address space as if it were RFC1918: Clever or Insane?
@robertryals I just hope we don’t change our name to something dumb like “T4 Tech Systems”.
It’s always fun to wake up and see your employer on page 1 of the local news.
Power blinked, kids’ alarm clock reset to 12:00AM. When it went off at midnight, D2 leapt out of bed & stripped naked. She does not recall.
shawnp0wers Daylight savings time is one of the dumbest things we do as a planet - like US banks though, it’s apparently too big of a blunder to fail.
@nivex Full disclosure, this was after we decided that our club house would be inside a 8-foot diameter drain pipe that runs under the road.
My kids want me to be the leader of their club. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Hardware store opens in 7 minutes. Waiting in the parking lot. Just long enough to play @alyankovic’s song about this very anticipation.
Like a civilized society, we spend 18 weeks per year on “standard” time, and we pretend it’s later than it really is for the other 34 weeks.
Anyone taking bets on whether or not iOS5 finally does Daylight Saving Time correctly? We’ll find out tomorrow (or maybe on Monday).
New rule: Pixy Stix must be stored separately from the rest of the Halloween candy. They bend & leak when I am digging for the good stuff.
My favorite Andy Rooney quote: “Dishes, underwear, and soap should all be white.”
Upgrading our hermit crab’s cage:
☒ Glass tank
☒ Sand
☒ Water pool
☠Arduino ??
And then, just to show them, I’ll sail to Ka-Troo
And Bring Back an It-Kutch a Preep and a Proo
A Nerkle a Nerd and a Seersucker, too!
On NC Voter Registration form: “If you do not have a street address, draw a map of where you reside. Please include roads and landmarks.”
Comment from today’s code review: “I think Gödel, Escher and Bach must be the 3 Musketeers”
Thanks, @OldCrank … now another half-dozen important facts just got pushed out of the ole noggin, replaced by useless meta-math trivia.
Comment seen in code review: “// By using sorting by name data fetched is is more readable and well sorted.” THAT clarifies everything!
FYI - When you say “mantissa”, you probably mean “significand”. Meanwhile, some important fact just got displaced from my dusty attic.
Due to DST time changes in Europe (last week) vs in US (next week), I managed to miss my conference call TWICE today.
Any landing that you can walk away from is a “good” landing. To the pilots of LO-16 (Newark-Warsaw), good job!