@clubjuggler International Fair going on all weekend.
Today was the last day of school for a while. 1st quarter’s over. Time for track out. Impressed by teachers at end-of-Q1 awards ceremony!
@bombsfall Might make a nice corp logo… sure, why not?
@bombsfall (1) Think about S-corp-ing, might be cheaper for same thing. (2) Corp can easily change name or DBA if 1st name sucks.
I am not firing on all 7 cylinders this afternoon.
This week’s staff meeting covered all of the important points: chocolate vs cake, drawing with crayons, low ears and high hips.
@nivex It was time to upgrade, and Ubuntu 12.04 requires newer CPU than bender’s Geode. Debian runs on anything.
My trusty friend “bender” got a brain transplant tonight. Was Ubuntu 10.04, now Debian 6.0.5.
I just described our redundant database servers as being like Horcruxes for our data.
Are monthly @RaleighISSA meetings free, open to non-members? I want to prmote the 10/4 meeting to @trilug members.
@isharacomix I don’t know, Barney… I just don’t know. — Alvin
@nivex Last entry in my logbook is 2007!
OH at work: “You look terrible for 32. You look pretty good for 50.”
@BoraZ Forget ‘em… use KeePass, PasswordSafe, OnePass !
Guy at my office has been waiting all year for today. Roams the halls, bringing up any topic just for an excuse to talk like a #pirate.
Reaffirmed that having several bank accounts is the right way to go. Had two different CC’s declined in one day for different reasons.
Huge bird sitting on our neighbor’s roof! pic.twitter.com/A4IkCaB4
The hot topic at the bus stop was the low, fast-moving clouds.
Uh oh… DealExtreme now sells Arduino stuff !! [Hyperventilating] Must… restrain… myself !!
Packed up my garage-door-monitor project to show off at #geekSpark tomorrow. Think I’ll leave the actual door at home, though.
Pro tip: Tweets or blog posts should not use relative terms like “today” or “tomorrow”. Use absolutes like “Tuesday” or “9/12” instead.
mtdotnet If your god needs to be defended, whether through crusade, jihad, or other violent means, perhaps you need a new god.
Schneier on security measures at 9/11 Memorial: “Buckle up. It’s dangerous out there.” - http://t.co/320dihIN
Mad h4x0r skillz finally paying off. Neighbor locked outside, needed someone to pick her door lock. #HITB #toool
Mrs Rockhopper’s first trip out of the house in 1½ weeks!
Last day of the neighborhood pool season.
Yes, indeed, superglue CAN fix anything! [unrelated to previous tweet]
Hey, I’ve got an idea… let’s throw a crying fit because we can’t go to the pool! #thunder
The early bird… uh… catches the bus?
School bus scorecard: 1 no-show, and 1 was 15 minutes late.
@billfarrow I offered to let the kids hang out at my office, but they decided school would be better. :-)
The school system says they’re working out the kinks in their transport system. We’re 0 for 2 this morning. Neither one showed up at all.
Oops. Just learned that a server I control spent the last week sending 2.5 million spam emails.
@Rockhopperpirat Argh, *I* be @rockhopper by name, but not nearly as popular as the CP pirate!
Banana nut / Doo doo de-doo-doo ♫