IPv6 + SSL
My entire web site, including this blog, now supports IPv6 and SSL/HTTPS.
protocol | Normal HTTP | Encrypted HTTPS |
IPv4 | http://ipv4.alanporter.com/ | https://ipv4.alanporter.com/ |
IPv6 | http://ipv6.alanporter.com/ | https://ipv6.alanporter.com/ |
You don’t have to include the ipv4 or ipv6 prefix… that’s just to force it to use one or the other. The main “alanporter.com” URL works just fine. If your computer has an IPv6 address, your browser should use IPv6. If not, it will fall back to IPv4.
If you’re interested in knowing which IP stack you are using, I recommend IPvFox and IPvFoo browser plug-ins. They show a red “4” or a green “6” in the browser address bar so you’ll know which IP stack you are using.
Some portions of this web site, like the photo gallery and this blog do not have IPv4-specific and IPv6-specific addresses. But just like the main URL, selecting a protocol stack should be automatic.
You might wonder why you get a warning when loading the pages with SSL/HTTPS. I did not send my web site certificates off to Thawte or GoDaddy or Verisign to be signed… I am too cheap for that. Instead, I signed them using my own certificate authority. If you import this CA certificate into your browser, all of my site’s certificates will be considered valid.
If you are security-minded, and you do decide to import my CA certificate, you’ll probably want to make sure that the SHA1 fingerprint is correct.
It should be AD:30:DA:F8:EA:03:A9:D5:E4:33:F4:30:F6:9C:FC:91:8A:D0:6B:06
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