@Oatmeal Sadly, that says more about CNN than it does about you or Tumblr.
CarolinaCon updates for #CarolinaCon, first 4 speakers, hotel info and Call for Presenters http://bit.ly/he0Tvn
PHP problem had to do with copying arrays. Must do “$a=array_values($b)” to copy the array ELEMENTS. “$a=$b” just copies the array POINTER.
To our friends in India, Happy Republic Day!
Hunting down the cause of “Fatal error: Nesting level too deep - recursive dependency?” in PHP code… ugh.
@nivex That’s sad… I just gave that page the Instapaper “read later” click.
@shawnp0wers …or on the bedspread. I can feel your pain.
I sense a change in my future. Manager is asking me to “clean up” what I’m working on. Maybe they got wise and will fire me soon.