D’oh! Missed the ISS fly-over because… get this… I just loaded new firmware on myTI #MSP430 watch, and so the alarm did not go off!
@RobertFischer Describe your @rememberthemilk usage on their web site & earn/win 1yr free service.
@CPCheats4you @lucianoadorni What are you telling ME for? I don’t need the cheats! ;-)
She blinded me with science!
Tinkering with apache, working on performance, making some progress… and then my laptop turned into a pumpkin.
Just under the wire, ordered my $25 MSP430 “Chronos” geek watch from Texas Instruments (coupon CHRONOS_50), deal ends 8/31. #TIdeals
We baked a cake for our neighborhood BBQ pool party. http://t.co/M40AI1Y
@ArapahoeNation I have 7 fall outing torches to give to a 2nd-year tribe that needs them. Located in Cary/Apex.
What’s up with tideals.com from @TXInstruments? Their $25 Chronos watch deal was supposed to be good until the end of August. #tideals
I just posted a short remembrance of Maggie on my blog. http://t.co/KpSbQVR http://t.co/Jd8ZRZz
After 16 years together, our dog Maggie passed away this weekend. Such a good dog. We remember her here > http://t.co/LYFXR6g
fmedlin Concrete wet and acorns down in Raleigh. Response teams on the way.
First day of Chinese school (for the kids). Saturday mornings are now “me time”.
On this day in 1991, Linus Torvalds announced his “hobby” OS, later called “Linux”. — I was a late-adopter, waiting until 1992 to try it.
Pres_Bartlet Well, at least people are talking about Jobs.
Did not feel the earthquake that just happened 200mi from here… some others in town did feel it. http://t.co/nXLck8p
Well… that “5-minute job” only took three hours… now, what was I doing again???
Score! It was LISA SIMPSON in KRUSTYLU STUDIOS with a SAXOPHONE - yup, it’s game night, with “Clue, Simpsons edition”.
BorowitzReport #LIBYA: Gaddafi Says His Regime Will Continue in Online-only Version #tripoli #gaddafi #khadfy #qattaffy
Very disappointed that @LinuxJournal will stop printing paper mags in September, going all-digital.
Today has been a total loser day for paying bills online. Many sites offline, not responding, down for maint, or just plain borked up.
Very light turnout for our Indian Princess trip to the lake, but the girls (and dads) enjoyed riding the jet ski.
@SpiderOak I had the luxury of “ssh -X”, so setup was a breeze.
Running @SpiderOak on a headless server.
Just discovered that my changes to OpenStreetMap.org may not show up immediately b/c map tiles need to be re-rendered.
Accidentally put a movie on both Netflix queues: DVD & Instant. Watched it online last week. Now I get to return the DVD, unopened.
@amessyroom I use several @TiddlyWiki files, stored on @dropbox or even better, on a @SpiderOak share!
RT @tonychester: “My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress,”— Warren Buffet http://ow.ly/64wlb …
Dumping my “mental stack” onto a wiki. Now I can clear my head — I can forget that stuff without forgetting that stuff!
Int’l Space Station seemed to be in a race with an approaching airplane at RDU. Plane “won”, even though ISS going 17227 mph!
So many good programming languages out there, and I am slogging around in javascript.
The sound of thunder subsides, replaced by the sound of sirens.
Changing the encoding on my mysql database tables from “latin1” to “utf8” because it was turning my Ä’s into ?’s in blog posts.
I am the whitest man at the lake. #jetski
Happy birthday to our dog Maggie — 16 years!
I am now running an APRS iGate at home! — 2m radio speaker output hooked directly to Linux server sound card, decoding done in software.
D1 just hula-hooped non-stop for ONE HOUR.
@mikbre What do you think this is, open source? It’s not a bug. Obviously, you’re “doing it wrong”â„¢. #apple
We picked a good day to NOT go to the lake. #thunder
Challenged D2 to collect dandelions in the yard, paid her 10¢ for each one. She donated half to her Indian Princess tribe as “wampum”.
Adding boilerplate comment blocks to code cheapens it, obscures its meaning, makes real comments stand out less, generally de-motivates me.
Simple 2-line code fix, but 1-hour submission process makes me lose my train of thought, doubt creeps in, will it work? Slower != safer.
Seen in an email at work: “confusion seems to be our company’s missing core value”.
I am now running version 3.0 of the Linux kernel. <Smug mode ON>
Working in three time zones this morning… or afternoon… or evening.
@Jaku Might as well make it anechoic/soundproof, while you’re at it… great place to chill!
Playing with KVM. Why is it “virsh start/suspend/shutdown” instead of “virsh start/pause/stop”? I have to look it up every time!
trilug Gotta deliver a technical presentation to the boss? Or to investors? Got butterflies? Tomorrow 7pm, meet Tech Speaking coach Alan Hoffler.
Seen on the @trilug mailing list: “IPv6 isn’t just a bigger Internet, it’s a better Internet.”
It’s ALIVE! Mwuah hah hah! http://t.co/s38X1Mk
Happy “National Day” to all of my Singaporean friends!
Awesome pink and blue clouds… especially considering last night’s stormy sky photo. http://t.co/dBzHgiv
Trimming tweets to 140 characters has helped train me to trim unnecessary bits from normal prose, too.
Stormy twilight sky looks like something out of “Ghostbusters”. http://t.co/1g1eQ2i
Giving a patent to an author for the structure of a story, w/ protagonist, antagonist, love interest & 3-part story arch http://t.co/wyjcRX2
In 1997, I had this idea which I called “downloadable radio”, which is striking similar to today’s podcasts. We ARE living in the future!
Uh uh, the kids have discovered PotterPuppetPals.com. I bet next, they’ll ask to borrow the video camers.
@cyberbiota Did you know the Triangle Amateur Robotics guys have been tinkering with the coffee grounds hand? Right there at @TechShopRDU!
I’ve found that gnome-terminal’s tabs are all the same color (in my current color theme). So I am using xfce4-terminal instead. #Linux
@wilw Have Bottle, Wil Brew
Playing with Ardour3 (alpha build), a pretty awesome digital audio workstation (with MIDI) for Linux and Mac.
@eronel I think she enjoyed letting her geeky side shine.
@nivex I can feel your pain… I tried gnome, then KDE, then scrapped U1104 entirely for Mint Debian Edition.
We sent Momma off to a girl-geek meeting, and now we’re headed to the POOL!
Been running my (firewalled & logged) open wifi for 1 month. So far, only 1 client connects, name=BlueChicken, OS=Vista, no browser traffic.
A closer look at @spideroak: like @dropbox but more flexible & “zero-knowledge” security. My (1GB free) referral code http://t.co/c9jbcOK