I think my employer has an image problem. At a tech conference, I introduced myself. When I told where I worked, guy said “ooh, the devil!”
Repeat after me: “Router goes on the OUTSIDE”. I don’t care what your VOIP provider says. Otherwise, I can’t get into your network.
@FortnightBeer Parent, considering attending a meetup at your place, would like to bring 13yo along. Is that OK?
Once again, @romanmars treats his extremely useful and impeccably maintained listeners to show credits that rival the show itself.
Sometimes I think I should have been a lawyer. It’s the same job, really - translator/interpreter of arbitrary rules in an arcane language.
Our library loans audiobooks for 14 days. I’ve been listening like a madman, and there’s still no way I’ll finish on time.
@jfmecca In this case, the first mover has a serious influence on the rest of the street.
This week is not our recycle week, but every house on our street has put out their brown recycle bin. Monkey see… pic.twitter.com/34L9IB4S5c
Where do lightning bugs go during a thunderstorm?
I’m not really sure what prompted this, but freezing the neighborhood kids seemed like a good cause to me. pic.twitter.com/XgJOKr52fW
alan_macdougall What’s pip? A package manager. How do I get it? Use easy_install. What’s easy_install? A package manager. How do I get it? Use apt.
@anjibee @chillcast Wow, just open the URLs http://t.co/JyxkSsK78p or http://t.co/B1Th2resie in a browser & see the media files are missing.
. @anjibee Getting a lot of “no media found” on the @chillcast feed (ep 400-405,408,409,411,412). Bummer. But 410 is OK, and it rocks!
58°F now, 85°F later. That’s gonna be some powerful sunshine. I’m feelin’ it shining down already.
Pondering the classic after-an-evening-swim decision: put on the same clothes you wore earlier today, or get into pajamas a bit early?
Sometimes I wish I could shake my head like a dog and get the pool water out of my ears (without giving myself a headache).
I hate it when programs tell me to “try again later”.
@TheRTP It might FEEL like a treadmill, but no…
Installing two new server clusters in our lab. I’m naming them “Tyson” and “Sagan”. @neiltyson @COSMOSonTV
A year after acquiring our company, Oracle is now replacing our toilet paper dispensers to meet corporate standards.
Always amused by desktop trash, browser helper bars, tabs & history, and email pop-ups that presenters inadvertently share with audience.
Although their styles may differ, both @GrammarGirl and Weird @alyankovic are pretty awesome. Thanks to each for what they do!
What in the world does “Power Off In Progress…” mean? C’mon, pull the plug already!
Kids at the bus stop asked drivers to “Honk if you like Sponge Bob” pic.twitter.com/xiBzUtQnyU
Oh yeah! My 24-hour clock app is the 793rd most popular “utilities” app in the US App Store, with 2 downloads so far this week.
I am such a backup pervert… just noticed that I have been backing up the volumes that I labeled “not backed up” for a few months now.
@robertryals That Borg cube fridge might even go unnoticed at the Borgacle.
Reading about DHCPv6, which I thought wasn’t really a thing, but is.
Every time I see a Windows bootup logo go away and the login screen appears, I think “whew, dodged another bullet”.
@jenncutter pro tip: cables in ziplock bags… no more tangles!
Apparently, I’ve had the whole concept of “stage left” and “stage right” backwards all my life, until today.
Converting a headless server to btrfs… who wants to bet that it doesn’t reboot correctly? I’d better go find a keyboard and monitor.
Product idea: discreet “electric cooler” that can fit in office drawer, to circumvent office refrigerator bans. Venting might be an issue.