Ugh, LetsEncrypt (DST Root CA X3) cert expired, so emergency fix on 3 email servers:
In dovecot.conf:
(1) remove…2L
davenewworld_2 This year for Halloween, I’ll give 90% of the candy to 1% of the kids and trust them to trickle that candy down to everyone else.
Had to request a reset. Fascinated by how that must work… using one-way communication only.
Satellite radio in the car “forgot” most of my subscription, so all I could listen to was dance music, thumpa…sT
@KokaBoothAmp @jonathanbyrd The “not on sale” link was in an email yesterday. The link here on Twitter seems to…xj
@KokaBoothAmp @jonathanbyrd I clicked on the link, and it says “Not On Sale”. Is it sold out? Too early? Too late? Canceled?
Hey @Apple, since we care about accessibility, can we finally get rid of these hard-to-read progress bars that…Fu
I guess at some point, you can put so much tape and plastic wrap on a cardboard box, it probably can’t be recycled……OI
I understand the U in USB stands for “Universal”. So why do I have an entire box of obsolete USB cables?
Enjoyed seeing Peter Lamb and the Wolves at “Jazz in the Square” in downtown Raleigh.
4-day weekend starts RIGHT NOW!