First Night Raleigh - waiting for the big nut to drop…
Through the fog, the full moon DOES look blue!
First Night Raleigh - Transactors Improv Company is makin’ it up as they go.
Comedian Glenn Singer ( picked Sydney to go up on stage, made coins come out of her ears. Then did “El Gleno Grande”, ole!
Walking from the NC Museum of Natural Science all the way down to the Progress Energy Center… in the rain.
First Night Raleigh - parlor magic with Jim Passe - excellent!
@mikbre Tiger, Droid… is EVERYTHING Apple propaganda in your world?
Too many people in the auditorium. Kids managed to find seats, we’ll wait for them outside.
First Night Raleigh begins with 300 people in a 200-seat theater — popular magic show.
I should probably save this thought for tomorrow, but… Why do we celebrate “First Night” on the last night of the year?
@waynesutton What do I win for answering?
Not sure what, but *something* installed apache on my home server. Thank you very much, but I *was* using lighttpd for that.
@anjibee It’s payback for all of those “work days” where you send us pictures from the beach. Sorry. Try to enjoy, if you can.
Freaky. I just got a cold call from “Comodo” trying to sell me an SSL certificate for my personal mail server. Are they that desperate ?
@clubjuggler I was just joking… making a commentary on location-based tweets. I’m at home tonight, ripping CD’s and hacking IMAP servers.
I’m at … wait, you don’t care, do you?
@bobbyllew Thanks for pointing me (indirectly) to Miro. My kids now run Miro viewer on Linux to watch podcasts. Like itunes w/o the quirks.
Weird… three large jets, flying in a fairly tight formation over RDU, not low enough to land, but not at cruising altitude.
I am “at work” today… as in “physically at work”, not as in “busy at work”.
@alanjporter She sounds like “an award winning daughter”.
@waynesuttonnc What do you think of working in downtown Raleigh?
@frijole How do you even know? Itunes Connect is closed this week. Can we get our download stats from somewhere else?
@mikbre From their email to developers: “Access to iTunes Connect will resume Tuesday, December 29, 2009.”
TV quote of the day: “Well, folks, it looks like we’re up chocolate creek without a popsicle stick.” - Gingerbread Man, Shrek 2
@dsearls general (private) aviation = the only remaining civilized way to fly
Memes (NPR article: were around long before the Internet. Remember faxed (and re-faxed) memes? And Xerox memes?
Boxing Day - totally fixated on their boxes -
We’re running down a lot of batteries today.
Christmas dinner on the grill -
I think it’s finally time to take a shower and don some gay apparel.
Total “out-of-box experience” failure: ipod touch demands Windows (don’t have) or Mac (at home), won’t start -
While the girls were distracted by dish-sledding, Santa’s elves unpacked the sleigh faster than a NASCAR pit crew.
The girls are in sleigh #1 with me, my ho-ho-ho is in sleigh #2 with Santa’s bag of toys. - Momma’s gonna get me for saying that!
Give the gift of knowledge. Support the Wikimedia Foundation (they run Wikipedia). I did. - http://wikimediafoundati…
Woo hoo! My cheezy tip calculator iphone app has been downloaded more than 500 times! -…
Why does Sound Juicer crash so much? I still have this big pile of inherited CD’s to rip.
Whenever I visit Yahoo! Groups, I am somewhere in between “logged in” and “not logged in”. I can’t do anything, but it has a “Log out” link.
Before you ask… no, I don’t eat at Waffle House that often. But I’ve been there twice this week. That pretty much blows my yearly quota.
Late breakfast-style dinner at Waffle House. Some dude loaded the jukebox with George Jones.
At the wall of lights, downtown Raleigh -
Skating in downtown Raleigh
Ho ho hot water!
Merry Christmas to me! I’m getting a new gas water heater!
Shortest day of the year, and I spent half of it in the bed.
Celebrating the winter solstice at Waffle House with a bunch of geo-friends.
Christmas carol question: better not shout/pout/cry/why -or- shout/cry/pout/why ? I sang the former in kindergarten.
Watching “Elf” with the family.
Stalking @mikbre in Huntersville, NC ( has achieved an annoyance/novelty factor of > 1)
Drat, late paying the water/trash bill (again), my only non-electronic bill. Solution: a cron job to send myself an email reminder.
Santa needs to be very careful about where he leaves his list.
CD ripping party, part 2 - Good friend gave me his entire CD collection when he moved overseas. It’s weird to inherit something so personal.
Groan, new candy cane flavors: sweet tart, starburst, bubblicious, gobstopper, chocolate mint, now&later, spree, sour patch. No peppermint?!
Snow in RTP.
I keep hearing the phrase “private information” and “Facebook” in the same sentence. That makes no sense to me - who keeps secrets on FB?
@bobbyllew Your twitter google replacement strategy only works for new media mega-stars such as yourself. I don’t have as many followers. :(
@chillcast One vote for “without”. I would miss your lovely voice for a week, but it would make a great holiday mix CD to play every year.
@Scate97p congratulations! (no, I am not him)
@wilw is cooking with Yoda
I installed “miro” audio/video player on the kids’ PC… appears to be leaps-n-bounds better than rhythmbox for playing podcasts!
The finished gingerbread house, slidey roof and all.
Making a gingerbread house
My two elves just decorated the tree.
Restored Ubuntu 9.04 on the kids’ “vintage” PC. The newer 9.10 freezes on it.
I am disappointed to say that I have somehow turned my kids’ PC into a steaming pile of Ubuntu. #howdidthathappen
After a half hour of trying, I found that my old computer that CAN’T boot from USB but CAN from CD, actually BOOTS from USB but NOT from CD!
Android meetup turned out OK, once we found a table. I had “issues” with Eclipse on my EeePC, but I learned a lot. #android
Perhaps Panera Bread was NOT such a great place to meet for an Android programming workshop. There’s a mob of hungry holiday shoppers!
Then the sunshine guy puts down the raisin scoop and pours in the high-fructose corn syrup - #kelloggs #raisinbran
Wow, four fire trucks just pulled up in front of our house! Our street is lit up like… Christmas!
@anjibee Is it just me, or does @RobertFischer look like “Super” Christopher Reeve in that picture?
Mark Knopfler has restored my Qi.
The Xlerator Hand Dryer disturbs my Qi. Don’t be messin’ with my Qi.
I believe that wraps my work up for the week (*cough*, year).
Stunning performance by the Salem Elementary “Skip-Its” jump-rope team! Yay, Coach Hager!
Salem Elementary School Chorus - Rockin’ the House!
Reminder: Triangle Linux Users Group (@trilug) meeting tonight, 7pm at Red Hat HQ in Raleigh, pot luck dinner and talk on “Beagle Board”
@bobbyllew FB cheat sheet: (1) news = AI-chosen pseudo-popular (2) live = chronological (3) stat updates = tweets without games/links/photos
Neighborhood sleigh ride tonight. Normally on the coldest night of the year. This year, on the windiest. Spotted Santa briefly.
@bobbyllew It really says something when your guests oblige you, even when they think you’re doing “car poo”. #carpool
Which Law of Thermodynamics covers the Conservation of Luck? I fear something bad is about to happen, to balance out that lottery thing.
blog post: When ‘sudo’ pauses… http://blog.alanporter.c…
Savage Chickens: Wishing you a steaming pile of Christmas - http://www.savagechicken…
Perhaps I should clarify. I matched 4 out of 5 numbers on Cash 5, that’s $259. I’m not quitting my day job for that (but I thought about it)
Sweet… I just won the lottery!
Drat, DSL line is down. Second time this week. Usually it’s rock solid.
Breaker One Nine, this here’s the Rubber Duck. Pig Pen, you got your ears on, good buddy?
@pwbrewer I sure do see a lot of tweets about how great Apple’s repair service is. I’m sure their stuff breaks, too.
email thread going around: “Google Wave and the sound of crickets”
Wishing my good friend @atulshri a safe journey back home to India, and best wishes for the new beginnings that await him there.
@RobertFischer But it’s not as bad as “Pen Island”, a place that sells promotional/advertising pens.
@RobertFischer A friend worked for a startup, chose the name “Rights Exchange”. A few weeks after getting the domain, they changed it.
@bobbyllew Is that like “How Stuff Works” books & web site? Wouldn’t Marshall Brain be a good #carpool guest! I’d be happy to introduce you.
@anjibee The real question is why you were walking in the middle of your cat’s bathroom. It’s not YOUR house, you know.
@alanjporter Have you seen Tiddlywiki? A complete wiki in a single HTML file, perfect for a memory stick. No more paper notebooks for me!
Thanks to @mtdotnet for sharing “blueproximity”, a Linux app that watches your phone’s bluetooth & locks your PC screen when you walk away.
Infrastructure #fail - not sure why, but my employer uses Yahoo! IM accounts for normal business use. Just got IM spam from my manager.
@BostonMerlin I was looking for iphone info, saw your avatar on a forum, recognized it from AOPA forums, small world!
@NCSUCPE Found the <X] on Mac. Run “Char Palette”, view=glyph, font=Apple Symbols, see #5081. Still trying to paste into I’face Builder.
@NCSUCPE For defaults & rounding, see “QuickTip”. It should look familiar.
Sydney on a bike, first time without training wheels!
On the greenway, walking with the family. Dragging the dog behind me like a water-skier.
I’d like to thank all of the other first graders in my daughter’s class for planting “I want a cell phone for Christmas” in her head.
@frijole I was looking for the one more like the iphone’s dial-out keypad. Your U232B is more of an outline.
Wondering how I can find that little backspace symbol that looks like <[X] so I can use it in my iPhone app. #osx #unicode #cutpastefail
I think @clubjuggler might have spent some time waiting tables at some point in his career.
Congratulations to @mikbre and his growing family!!
I can’t afford to stay home today… two different boy scout troops just came by, raising funds by selling luminary candles & popcorn #hide
Wow, 49 downloads of my “Tipster” iPhone app on the first day (of course, one of those was me)…
Excellent, a “build” directory with a “readme.txt” file! (happy dance) But it’s zero bytes long. (sad trombone)
I think the @WUNC iphone app problem might be because I am running it on a restrictive wifi at work. It’s OK on AT&T’s network.
New @wunc iphone app doesn’t do much for me… crashes immediately after I answer the “location” question.
@frijole that’s the whole point -
@wunc Need help debugging that new iPhone app? I know some good app programmers.
I am now a *published* iphone app developer -…
@bobbyllew Don’t worry about how you look… they’re engineers… they won’t notice.
@mikbre Apple is no match for your brother… I am sure that he can defeat the system-wide spell checker (that’s what homonyms are for)
Indian Princesses at the NCSU women’s basketball game
I have a handful of Google Wave invites, if you’re interested…
Wow, Google now does DNS (…) Is there antything they do not know about us?
MS Word makes me want to drive a nail into my skull.
I just had this momentary panic — did I “dine and dash” at lunch today? (Apparently not, thanks again, Joe and Google!)
Had lunch with some of the Triangle’s most connected people. Discussed cross-pollination. Thanks to Joe for inviting & for the Indian food.
“Perl is the crystal meth of programming…” —Dan Martinez (more at…)
RT @mattfrye (via IRC) “had the worst baklava of my life last night and it was still awesome”
I am always late to get into the Christmas spirit, and hearing xmas music too early gets on my nerves. But Vince Guaraldi eased me into it.
Last night’s Y Indian Princess meeting was a success… 7 girls made crazy feathered headdresses, and no one got burned from the hot glue!
Drat, Google Chrome does not allow cookies for “file:” URI’s, it “forgets” all of my TiddlyWiki settings. Workaround: —enable-file-cookies
@bobbyllew new specs: actually, I really liked the ones from your early ’09 carpools. just bought new ones myself, I avoided the rectangles
School bus came 15 minutes EARLY today. How, exactly, is that supposed to work?
Enjoying the ipod wayback machine… tonight, it’s the year 1983.