What do you use to keep your steering wheel looking so shiny and nice? Armor All? Turtle Wax? No, it’s Tecnu. #PoisonIvy
If you’re going to drive like an idiot, why get a personalized license plate? I’m looking at you, VUITTON, in Cary NC. #CaryPolice
My 90th fastest run. Thanks for those useful stats, RunKeeper! pic.twitter.com/MxN6DDtRob
iPhone Touch ID can’t read my fingerprints when I run. I even tried to learn a new print.
Lime-green Lamborghini at the Chick-Fil-A drive-thru.
Thanks to @alyankovic for a great first half of a show before the rain. Come back soon and we’ll catch the second half.
Here, let me interrupt you with a feature that reduces interruptions. Click here to go deeper into the rabbit hole. pic.twitter.com/7RDUnj65tU
Nice paw print magnet… until you notice it has too many toes. #ocd pic.twitter.com/GIShh7DGwR
What kind of barcode is this (from a banana)? Curious about the 2 mini-barcodes in the middle. pic.twitter.com/F7BPFMyq2l
Friday, 4pm… it’s time for stuff to start breaking and people to start calling.
Trying to find that happy middle ground between dinosaurs and hipsters.
Best phrase in Ubbi Dubbi : Shiver me timbers!
Shubbivubber mubbee tubbimbubbers!
Always amused by the junk people leave on their computer screens when plugged into a projector or while screen-sharing.
I like stickers… but I don’t like to stick stickers on my stuff.
Today I learned… that ‘youtube-dl’ has an ‘—extract-audio’ option. ♪ ♫