Two and a half pounds of loot apiece!
Camping, Chinese school, martial arts, neighborhood fall festival, Odyssey of the Mind, and finally trick-or-treating — THAT’s a Saturday!
@imogenheap “woops, should’ve” is not necessary… you can delete errant tweets and then re-tweet what you MEANT to say (unlike sent emails)
Car inspection, a Halloween tradition.
My camping poem:
10pm tee pee
2am pee pee
4am rain
7am what a pain!
Camping with the (Y) Indian Princesses. How How!
Halloween costume contest at work. Close race between “Super Fly” and Three Blind Mice.
Work PC upgraded to Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) - woot!
#rdutraffic - police heavily patrolling NC55 near Cary & Carpenter, 6 police cars spotted, 3 were pulled over
@bobbyllew Just discovered #CarPool, brilliant! Entertaining us on charm alone! US viewers could use a 30 sec intro for each guest, thanks!
Putting a larger hard disk in my “Fit PC 1.0” - This turned out to be harder than I expected, it’s built like a tank!
An oldie: [me] “Pterodactyl” is a weird word… what kind of word begins with P but sounds like T? [my brother] “Taters!”
New office floor is a bit wobbly. People: “it’s SUPPOSED to vibrate like that” Me: “uhm… no, it’s not” — showing my Mech Eng background.
New cubicle. Fresh perspective. What’s that smell?
Sewing vests with my (Y) Indian Princess, “Whirlwind”. How How!
@doctorow Disney is showing what they think of us: captive audience, consumers of content. I’d like to see some respect, please.
RT @doctorow Every time I’m forced to sit thru 30m of Disney DVD preroll w/my impatient toddler I ask myself why I bought instead of pirated
@nivex I was thinkin’ the same thing yesterday!
@trilug If someone had told me that the first 80 chars of my meeting announcements would be tweeted, I’d work on better opening sentences!
Rainy Saturday - a good day to catch up on bills, sort vacation pictures, and so on…
Our office has normal M & F restrooms, plus 2 unlabeled singles with showers. I hope those are unisex - otherwise I just broke protocol.
I just noticed that I still had my British-style 240V power plug in my bag — no US plug. Good thing the eeepc did not need charging yet.
It’s fund drive time at @wunc. Evasive maneuver: iPhone + NPR app + @kcrw streaming. Thanks @jbroome for the idea. Now go donate to @wunc!
Yottabytes??!! That’s a Lottabytes!
10^24, actually.
To celebrate CAPS LOCK DAY, I’m going to shout everything.
woot: 14 Amazing New Mac Features That Apple Forgot To Mention -
The Guardian: Microsoft’s grinning robots or the Brotherhood of the Mac. Which is worse? #funny #shitasmia
My formula for good tea at Bojangle’s: order “unsweet”, pour out 20-25%, refill with “sweet”, mix. #balance
Me to 6yo daughter: if you can’t wear the clothes you love, then wear the clothes you’re with!
First day back at work, manager is on vacation, nice way to slide back into things…
Nothing says “welcome back to the USA” like breakfast at Waffle House!
Smart girl! Audrey spotted our neighborhood pool from the airplane!
Back in the chilly USA. Body thinks it’s 3am. Ugh.
Day 19 in Hong Kong: Twitter followers rejoice! We’re entering 16 hours of radio silence while we make our way back to NYC and then NC.
Day 18 in Hong Kong: The kids and I decided to take the STAIRS up to the apartment… on the 31st floor!
Day 18 in Hong Kong: Our last full day in Asia, we wandered the streets and shops (large and small) of HK. Now to pack, fly back to USA!
Day 18 in Hong Kong: In shopping areas, tons of “open” wifi hot spots, but they are all “captive wireless portals”, require web login.
Day 17 in Hong Kong: Just finished reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (here, the “Philosopher’s Stone”).
Day 17 in Hong Kong: Borrowing wireless internet from one of the 900 or so apartments that I can see outside of my window. Thanks!
Day 17 in Hong Kong: Stuck in the HK airport. All I want is (1) food and (2) a taxi. Corridors, escalators, lifts, LET ME OUT!
Day 17 in Hong Kong: Sydney lost a tooth while on the airplane! I wonder what the HK Tooth Fairy will leave under her pillow.
Day 17 in Malaysia: Dim sum for breakfast, then flying off to Hong Kong. Bye bye, Malaysia!
Day 16 in Malaysia: a “do nothing” day. Packing for return trip to USA via Hong Kong. The BIG suitcase is for the FOOD!
Day 15 in Malaysia: I got to ride an elephant today… there’s one item I can scratch off of the Bucket List.
Day 15 in Malaysia: Held hostage at Jusco shopping center, faulty parking payment system to blame, eventually snuck out the back exit.
Day 14 in Malaysia: picked up brother-in-law from KLIA airport, drove to his house, small town, middle of nowhere (same place as Day 3)
Day 14 in Malaysia: did a drive-thru of Putrajaya & Cyberjaya. PJ is the new gov’t complex, like DC Mall. CJ is like a mini- Silicon Valley.
Day 13 in Malaysia: a full day in Kuala Lumpur - boarding school, Petronas bldg, KL Tower, 2 geocaches, pony ride, monkeys & snakes, F1 sim
Day 13 in Malaysia: driving to Kuala Lumpur to visit our nephew at his boarding school, Hogw… I mean, ChongHwa.
Day 12 in Malaysia: Stimulating the economy at “Giant” (, the local equivalent of Super Target
Day 11 in Malaysia: Last week, I could not even get cell phone service here, and now I am watching the #LCROSS mission LIVE on NASA TV!
Day 11 in Malaysia: Spent the day in Kuala Lumpur with class-of-83 friends - dim sum for breakfast, mall shopping, then train back to S’ban.
Day 10 in Malaysia: Hack In The Box #HITB is over… thanks to the organizers for a great event!
#HITB Bruno Gonçalves is “Hacking from the Restroom” - if his demo is any indication, he’s gonna be in that stall for a while!
#HITB Saumil Shah sprays the heap, executes shellcode, installs his own browser add-on, records everything you do - in his own unique style
#HITB quote, Russians selling DDoS services: “we guarantee five nines of downtime”
#HITB The Grugq and Fyodor Yarochkin explore the Russian underground marketplace: passports, CC, SIM cards, botnets, DDoS, Skype $, iTunes $
#HITB Julien Tinnes and Chris Evans (vsftp) on “Security In-Depth for Linux Software” - sandboxes, deputies, dropping privileges
#HITB Lock-picking with crew, Deviant Olam and Babak Javadi
#HITB Job De Haas on “Side Channel Analysis on Embedded Systems” - watching power consumption on a smart card to tell what it’s doing
#HITB House Security at Crowne Plaza Mutiara is not quite sure what to think of these hackers, keeping a close eye on them.
#HITB In between presentations, the DJ is rockin’ the house with some mad techno tunes.
#HITB Julian Assange gave the crowd their money’s worth, somebody get out the hook!
#HITB fourth keynote: Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, on “Publishing the Unpublished”
#HITB third keynote: Ed Skoudis on “Bad Guys Are Winning… Now What?” -or- “How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Hack”
Day 10 in Malaysia: Getting there is half the fun? Not on the KTM Komuter train.
Day 9 in Malaysia: Dinner with my good friend, Kenny Rogers.
#HITB Alex Kouzemtchenko on “Implementing a Blind TCP/IP Hijacking Tool” - I obviously don’t understand TCP enough to grok this talk.
#HITB hospitality fail - temperature outside is “Malaysia hot”, inside it’s “meat locker cold”
#HITB Paul Theriault on “Browser Ghosting Attacks”, persistent scripts that keep running after you leave the hosting web page… ghosts!
#HITB Sheran Gunasekera presenting “Bugs and Kisses: Spying on Blackberry Users for Fun”
#HITB Excellent talk by Haroon Meer (@haroonmeer) on “Clobbering the Cloud”, many ways of gaming SaaS and web 2.0 apps
Day 9 in Malaysia: luxury at the Crown Plaza Multiara Kuala Lumpur - RM18 for a turkey ham sandwich
#HITB Network Forensics For Dummies - 2 hour lab material compressed into a 1 hour presentation
#HITB second keynote: Rop Gonggrijp (Holland), old school phone phreaker, businessman, now demonstrating weaknesses in electronic voting.
#HITB first keynote: Joe Grand on “Hacking Hardware” - hacking parking meters and smart cards in San Francisco.
Day 9 in Malaysia: Attending the “Hack in the Box” security conference in Kuala Lumpur. #HITB
Day 8 in Malaysia: Doing my homework on “komuter trains” in preparation for tomorrow. #HITB
Day 8 in Malaysia: Driving back, we stopped at a rest area, saw a bunch of monkeys playing (and for once, they were not MINE).
Day 8 in Singapore: Went by our old house and the hospital where Audrey was born.
Day 8 in Singapore: Wow, AT&T only charges $2/minute for voice calls while I am overseas. Call me!
Day 7 in Singapore: at around midnight, AT&T finally enabled international roaming on my iPhone.
Day 7 in Singapore: AM spent preparing to prepare, PM at Sentosa theme park (hmm, that’s a catchy name,
Day 6 in Singapore: staying up way too late, chatting with old friends from NC who are now living in SG.
Day 6 in Malaysia: Off to McDonald’s for a McReunion with high school classmates, then driving to Singapore.
Day 5 in Malaysia: Traditional lanterns of the Moon Cake Festival give way to pyromania. Crazy kids.
Day 5 in Malaysia: A rare respite from the heat - today was overcast with a light breeze. Still hot, but not uncomfortable.
Day 5 in Malaysia: Buckle up, kids! Grandpa is in a HURRY to get back home!
Today is “phone company day”. AT&T wants faxed docs to activate int’l roaming. Telekom Malaysia wants us IN PERSON to activate prepaid SIM.
Gross… a cockroach just crawled over my bare foot!
Day 4 in Malaysia: in-laws hosted a “moon cake festival” party, 100+ Chinese guests getting rowdy, door prizes, DJ blasting “YMCA”.
@clubjuggler We’re 1000 miles from the west coast of Sumatra and 6000 miles from Samoa. The distances here are larger than you might think.
Shopping for short pants: if they come down below your knees, they’re no longer “shorts”… they’re “longs”.
Day 4 in Malaysia: zoo fail — went to a wildlife park, only to find that it is closed on Fridays.
Sat here sweating for an hour — finally decided to invest the time to figure out how to turn on the air conditioner and ceiling fan. Ahh.
Day 3 in Malaysia: drove to Mentakab, a small town in the middle of nowhere, to visit my brother-in-law’s family.