What are these spongy blobs on this fountain? pic.twitter.com/UiER9rYhQ2
Looking for info on making automated systems connect to @sharefile. No web, no browser, just robots. Seems to require user/pw on the box??
Like a child, Mac tries to cover up its spontaneous reboot by re-opening the same number of iTerm tabs that I had before. I won’t notice.
The daughters are up before the sun.
@Penfiftygi @Dino_Boy7 @thelifeofapig @clubpenguin @MerryWalrus @MYWHOLEFAMILY @Disney @DisneyInteract @TheMerryWalrus : Not THAT Rockhopper
New incompatibility between iOS 8.4.1 and ownCloud’s calendar server means I can’t see my schedule on my phone. Need an alt CalDAV app.
D1 went to get a haircut, asked me to show the stylist a photo of @kateleth for inspiration.
Opened bank accounts for 2 kids, received 6 new debit cards: D1’s, D2’s, my D1, my D2, wife’s D1, wife’s D2.
@jchutchins He’s @hutchinsonjm, similar name/handle, similar glasses, word nerd tweets. ~ What’s the opposite of “worlds colliding”?
@jchutchins I’ve been reading your tweets with interest for a while now, thinking you were my kids’ 6th grade social studies teacher. #oops
So sick of Apple’s photo app creating “ghost folders” with old album names & old photo thumbs, I dumped it for a Dropbox-based photo viewer.