An update is available for your computer (Linux vs Windows vs Mac) /via @shawnp0wers
Bedtime stories? Nah, I showed D1 my signed copy of “Applied Cryptography” & let her figure out Bruce Schneier’s cipher puzzle inscription.
@shawnp0wers Look it up on … was likely a satelite or shuttle+ISS
Most awesome geocache schwag… evar!
Eggs: runny side up
Spent the day with several grandmothers.
Watching the Space Shuttle Discovery launch.
Trying to remember to use ‘ssh-copy-id user@host’ to copy my user keys, and ‘ssh-keygen -R host’ to clear old host keys.
This morning at work was like a pinball game, where I was the little silver ball, bouncing between flippers and bumpers. #tilt
Today is World Thinking Day Wear mis-matched shoes/socks, mis-spell your web URL! #girlscouts
Having a few drinks, and paying bills online…. this could get interesting.
@nivex Is it like that smile that eventually emerged on your face at Rockhopper’s in Clemson? If so, it’s the former.
I think Pandora might be trying to put me in a good mood.
Cool, D1 just taught me the “reverse area” method of doing division.
Quiz: [Q1] Which one of these fluorescent light tubes is the most energy efficient? [Q2] Why?
@dsearls Sorry, I meant that I re-cropped your photo to pan up a little, show more hair and less arm. Use it if you like.
@dsearls Here’s one with a slightly better crop.… <- Doesn’t look like you’re holding the camera.
@dsearls You read my mind. Straight-on avatar lacks color, too symmetric, focuses on the hair. Blackshirt shot looks much more natural.
Rainbow plane -> (via @bbaskin & @jbroome) Always cool to see an airplane in-flight on Google Maps
Congrats to Albemarle Amateur Radio Club, WA4TFZ, of Charlottesville VA for winning ARRL “Club of The Year” award!
Domestic bliss: stirred from my Sunday morning sleep by those four special words from my wife, “the network is down”. #geekfamily
Cool trip to the gas station. First, we got to talk to a fire truck crew, and then a motorcycle policeman! No, no emergency, just chatting!
The girls & I spent the afternoon at @splat_space, where we learned to tinker with Arduino boards and LED’s… we are blinker-tinker-ers! makes it EASY to order *PAPER* 1099 & 1096 forms, delivered by US MAIL. Avoid that $50 fine for printing your own PDF’s! #gov #fail
Listening to “This Road”, a CD that my friend @timesevenmusic just recorded.
Trimming the dog’s toenails… with a Dremel tool.
D1 & Momma are playing in the SNOW at the “Frosty Fun Festival” (it’s 61°). D2 & I are at home watching “Labyrinth” (1986) with David Bowie.
D2 is sick this morning, and quite upset that she will miss school (and more importantly, the after-school party) today.
My kids pay their “tax” whenever they get candy. Daddy is the tax man!
@ginatrapani But I bet your BOOK was not infected with a virus! #TrustYourSources
. @ksonney and others: How about New Orleans as a FAMILY vacation site? Anything fun for kids to do?
Rather than locking the doors, Windows lets burglars in the house, and then tries to clean their messes before you notice.
Reading F-Secure news. Windows File Protection (WFP) sounds so backwards - it lets your files get overwritten & then restores them for you?
@nivex He is a Linux developer.
Co-worker asked me why I have a stuffed penguin on my desk. #facepalm
Our office migrated to a new wiki, kept the old one around (just in case), similar URL’s, look same, no redirects, hilarity ensues, #fail
Lovely, phones in our common areas at work have a speaker monitor, but no speakerphone mic. So I end up using my cell phone for conf calls.
Sheamus If Apple made water.
@CaliLewis I reboot once a month, whether I need to or not.
Don’t try to climb the ladder… build a ladder under you!
I’ve got a date tonight… with ten 8-year-old girls!
@txflygirl CTRL-A + Delete = problem solved
Drat… cafeteria decided not to brew another batch of coffee b/c it’s close to the end of breakfast time. #monday
Overheard my kids talking about extra-terrestrial life: “do you think we’re the only living planet on Earth?”
@Tr4_Salamanders Want a Space Shuttle heat shield tile for only $25 (shipping fee)? NASA offers them to schools.
Leave no trace: “kill -9 $$”
@BadAstronomer Your response is even better when you have not heard the question… I’ll be doin’ it at sunrise!
One of my favorite quotes from a talking fire extinguisher…
So much for “just working”. Mac Mini does not see my MiniDV videocam plugged in. Crappy old 2004 laptop with Linux saw it & worked, 1st try.
Hmmm, what do I want for breakfast? #GirlScoutCookies
It’s like an Easter egg hunt, except the chocolate eggs are dog poops.
I just saw a stretch limo get stuck in a roundabout. He had to back up a couple of times to make the turn.
Gong Xi Fa Cai! Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language new year celebration.
Before someone replies “why? it’s lost!” - I take pictures of my credit cards and store them in a safe place, in case I ever lose my wallet.
Old credit card expired. Got a replacement in the mail. New one does not have an “if lost” phone number on the back. Wonder why not?
joshuamneff “I resign as leader of Egypt. No, not RESIGN! I REIGN! REIGN! DAMN YOU AUTOCORRECT!” — Hosni Mubarak
Perky Happy Fun
Wondering why the Twitter app on Facebook doesn’t use OAuth like everyone else has to.
February in NC - cool enough outside to appreciate my sweater, hot enough in the sun in the car to wish I didn’t have it.
Shoot… I left my wallet at home… lucky I had a few bucks in my car, but I still feel naked without it.
Just now remembering that I left half of yesterday’s lunch in the fridge at work.
RT @RobertFischer: I don’t so much plan life as slam on the gas pedal and try like Hell to avoid trees and buildings—any “plan” is just …
Blog post from me: “A Tech Trifecta” http://blog.alanporter.c…
@clubjuggler I don’t understand your question… but my problem was multi-site with India.
@frijole They’re probably wondering why that twitter nerd has to sit RIGHT BEHIND THEM!
@frijole They’re probably wondering why that twitter nerd has to sit RIGHT BEHIND THEM!
Waiting 14+ minutes to check 6 files into clearcase.
SOMEBODY wore their pajamas inside-out last night! #snow
Like all wives, mine can be demanding at times. Right now, she’s demanding that I install apache & mysql on her laptop. #awesome
Thunderbird (email) was locking up every few hours. I disabled 4 plug-in’s & the lock-ups stopped. Now to figure out which one is to blame.
To DOT traffic planners everywhere: Don’t just say “no left turn”. Tell folks who need to go left where they SHOULD go to get there!
I just became a ‘sustaining donor’ for @WUNC! (Do I get a secret code now to bypass the on-air pledge drive?)
I was hoping that the crowd of tinkerers would relieve me of a box full of old computer cards and cables… sigh, not this time.
A reunion at the Triangle Amateur Robotics club meeting. Several members from Y2K and before.
US population = 300 million. Girl scouts sell about 200 million boxes of cookies every year. I like those odds!
Twilight rainbow!
Cheshire Cat moon tonight.
Alpha to Omega - the life cycle of guinea pig food - not much difference, huh?
Snickers is such a good… uh… cat.
I like nocturnal birds of prey as much as the next guy, but I don’t understand why so many people are throwing “superb owl” parties tonight.
cyberbiota Not watching overpaid men playing a child’s game for the 45th time in my adult life. I’ll watch when scientists & teachers are paid as well.
Tag-team: #1 and Momma are selling girl scout cookies, #2 and I are making invitations for our Indian Princess meeting.
Snickers explores the house.
Double header tonight - first, juggling duo “The Passing Zone”, followed by Chinese New Year party
NPR is doing a fund drive, so listening to local college station instead. Awesome funk tune, “Outta Space” by Billy Preston (1971)
@mikbre depends on the reader’s twitter client… I’ve seen some (sucky ones) that need the extra hint
One of the reasons that I don’t use Time Warner Cable internet service.
It’s that time of year again… time to watch @godaddy ‘s tacky superbowl ads, and then transfer your domains to @namecheap.
Looking after the 2nd grade class’s other guinea pig “Snickers”. He’s a lot more timid than Twix was.
Uh oh… testing each revision clearly points the finger… at me!
Who broke the code? Check out each version, run unit tests, see where it starts breaking.
IPv4Countdown The number of allocatable IPv4s just dropped to zero. #IPv6
Cool… my boss just referred to me as a “linchpin”.
Pro tip - remove hostname from SSH known_hosts file -> ssh-keygen -R hostname (via @commandlinefu)
Gong xi fa cai, hong bao na lai!
Just read “Rework” by the @37signals guys. My summary: (1) do stuff now (2) do it in small chunks (3) be human. Good read!