Last night, I had the unexpected honor of attending the 26th First Annual Ig Nobel Prize ceremony! #IgNobel
Like many others, I am disappointed in @make magazine’s new digital edition without PDF download button. Staying tuned for their fix.
RT @eevee: “so the notes are letters”
“but they start at C”
“uhh ok”
“sheet music starts at E”
“E3 is on a line, E4 is in a gap”
I’ve been unemployed for all of four hours, and I’m already bored.
jonnysun hi evreybody a good hack for never losing ur new apple airpods is to tie them both to a long string & then tie that string aroumd ur phone!!
I’ve spent the early part of 2016 on a Twitter sabbatical. Looking now with fresh eyes, I think I need to curate my follows.
The Porter family just spent two weeks in London and Paris. Share in the excitement.
Wrapping up an afternoon of light home repairs. I just want to don my best Cousin Eddie voice and yell “SHITTER’S FIXED!”
Happy to see this on a web form: “Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Apple iOS, and other major operating systems.”