Swapping contents of two bookshelves, filtering them in the process. Expect some (classic) tech books to be offered soon.
I seem to be the only one that remembers when Wheel of Fortune contestants spent the prize money on gifts (before 1987).
Hey @pandora_radio, please go re-read your Apple push notification terms of service! pic.twitter.com/wcASdwRiW0
I take back what I said about Amazon (loading slowly). My DNS server was borked.
I think everyone is getting an early start on holiday shopping. Amazon is slow, and many images are not loading.
Forecast says 74°F on Monday, chance of snow on Wednesday. Welcome to NC!#ncwxx
Yay, today’s Python class with D2 did not result in the usual meltdown!
@YocDulce That, I am. Thanks for recognizing it.
@YocDulce Sorry, wrong Rockhopper!
Are those SNOWFLAKES???
Autographed CD pic.twitter.com/6DOiRei8b1
Enjoyed @JakeShimabukuro’s Uke Nations show in Wilmington NC. An inspiring performance, followed by a warm & genuine meet-n-greet. Mahalo!
Pulled into town last night at 1am, super foggy, IFR driving conditions. Fog is still heavy this AM. Plus, I’m a bit foggy myself.
A cryptic and geometrical note for my co-workers. pic.twitter.com/wQnLk0Omgi
llorenzin RT @1SaintedScholar: Very interesting……. pic.twitter.com/PdVt5tqz70 <- Selective ideological blindness
@JakeShimabukuro UNC-Wilmington ticket office has been flooded with calls about the proper show time. Glad I called, we’ve got a 2hr drive.
Mistake on Tour Sync’s ticket site & emails: the Nov 11th @JakeShimabukuro show in Wilmington NC is at 8pm, not 5pm. (Jake, retweet?)
I think my Where’s Waldo Halloween costume rubbed off on me. I’m packing for an overnight trip like Waldo would.
Just spent a while battling SSH keys, agents, and auth limits. Problem was unrelated, chown/chmod on $HOME directory!
@bjango Argh, cut-n-paste from PDF file never worked, but hand-typing it did! Sorry to bother you. Thanks for a nifty tool.
@bjango HDD died, reinstalled Mav, then iStat Menu 4.03. It rejects my v4 serial number! 4.22 from web is “corrupt”. Not sure what to do.
@Totodecp2 Your bot is retweeting everything I say. Annoying for me, not-so-CP-related for your followers. Care to fix it?
It’s November, and that means @NaNoWriMo, and that pretty much defines my job as a parent. “STOP WRITING and GO TO BED!” #NaNoWriMo
@indec Bet on yourself and then stick your finger down your throat… for the win!
Oops. Found my home server had a mis-configured mail relay, so I fixed it. Then it flooded me me 1200+ old status messages! - Ctrl-A, Delete
Trick-or-treating was fun, but now we’re stuck with 9.8 POUNDS of Halloween candy! pic.twitter.com/pRCd4au7uI