@mikbre I wish the iphone supported read/write caldav… I just installed a caldav calendar server and it’s read-only :-(
@nivex Suggestions? Quit cold turkey. This whole internet thing is a fad, anyway.
@bobbyllew After electrification, it will be easier to explain “motor vs engine” to kids. “Motor vehicles” will be just that.
@inside919 - twitter follower @rockhopper decides that your machine-generated twitter feed has a very low signal-to-noise ratio
Sheamus Why I believe printers were sent from hell. http://bit.ly/4qteYg
@NCsalamander I think you stepped in some ink.
@ypwhirlwind I am sure that it will be magical… I can’t wait for Groundhog Day.
@ypwhirlwind ur doing it wrong :-)
Transferred my wife’s address book from her Palm Zire to her iPod Touch. Easy peasy: Palm desktop, export as vcard, email to her, import.