Just rearranged all of my iphone icons… expect me to be even more spaced-out than usual for about a week.
From @TheRTP, “NC Triangle ranks #1 in quality of life” http://bit.ly/d4phkM - I wish they would not tell everyone, though.
Listening to “Dave’s Lounge” (@permanent4) podcast featuring “Lal Meri”, took Dave’s advice, bought the CD, support the band.
@coxn I have no complaints with KeePassX
RobertFischer I need more time in my life. Anyone got some to spare?
New photos from New York, Camp Seafarer and Shuttle launch - #twitter">http://gallery.alanporte…
Took the dog out for her late-night “business”, two rabbits stood in the yard, didn’t move an inch. Dog never noticed.