@BillCosby We have a restaurant called “Irregardless”. NCSU student used the word in a paper, teacher said it’d get him nowhere. Since 1975!
mikbre Carriers add value by providing a well-run, dumb pipe for my iPhone.
Best news of the day! Just heard from a friend who went dark on us for a while. He needed some time to sort things out, but he’s better now.
So the chat lady “Sheryl” (1) IS human (2) IS NOT American (3) COULD BE Canadian [CDN Thanksgiving = Oct 11] - I am guessing she’s Indian
On a web-based “help chat”, I wonder if I am speaking to a human. I ask “which comes 1st, Halloween or Thanksgiving?” - Got it on 2nd guess!
RT @mmastrac: China’s Liu Xiaobo won the Nobel ███ ███████ ██████ ██████ ██████ ████████████ ████ ████████ #censorshipsucks
@ryanbutcher Give me your SPOT “glid” and I’ll plug it into my map script, you can track it on a phone browser.
@astrohacklab I have a cool script that grabs SPOT data and generates a Google map + SMS broadcast. Interested? http://AlanPorter.com/sp…
Ebay has locked my account “for security reasons”, and it’s unlock process is an endless maze of FAIL.
fromagefacile In the war of multiplication, zero is the only winner.
@cyberbiota If you can wait until tomorrow, 10.10 will be released (or install 10.04 today, upgrade this weekend)
@nprnews FYI - Chinese naming system - Liu is the man’s family name, Xiaobo is his given name.
Bob Cringely gives a pretty good summary of why wholesale surveillance is bad for USA - http://www.cringely.com/…