I just saw a stretch limo get stuck in a roundabout. He had to back up a couple of times to make the turn.
Gong Xi Fa Cai! Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language new year celebration. http://twitpic.com/3z4kp0
Before someone replies “why? it’s lost!” - I take pictures of my credit cards and store them in a safe place, in case I ever lose my wallet.
Old credit card expired. Got a replacement in the mail. New one does not have an “if lost” phone number on the back. Wonder why not?
joshuamneff “I resign as leader of Egypt. No, not RESIGN! I REIGN! REIGN! DAMN YOU AUTOCORRECT!” — Hosni Mubarak
Perky Happy Fun http://twitpic.com/3z374x
Wondering why the Twitter app on Facebook doesn’t use OAuth like everyone else has to.
February in NC - cool enough outside to appreciate my sweater, hot enough in the sun in the car to wish I didn’t have it.
Shoot… I left my wallet at home… lucky I had a few bucks in my car, but I still feel naked without it.
Just now remembering that I left half of yesterday’s lunch in the fridge at work.
RT @RobertFischer: I don’t so much plan life as slam on the gas pedal and try like Hell to avoid trees and buildings—any “plan” is just …
Blog post from me: “A Tech Trifecta” http://blog.alanporter.c…