? Alan Porter (@rockhopper)

Raleigh, NC, USA

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @rockhopper ever

October 2nd, 2013

@CPMimi55555 Nicely done! I’m sure the CP crowd is not interested in my nerdly tweets. :-)

via web in reply to CPMimi55555

@CPMimi55555 I find @RetweetsCP to be annoying. You can imagine why. When I *do* talk about CP, that’d be OK. But not my every tweet.

via web

Instant FAIL - @zimride ‘s app only allows logging in through Facebook. That’s not gonna happen. I wanna use my ZimRide user/password.

via web

@RetweetsCP are you going to retweet everything I say just because of my name? i’m not THAT Rockhopper!

via Twitter for iPhone

Someone tried to check in some code into my base class like this:

if (class == ‘mysubclass’) {
special logic here


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