Psst… don’t tell anybody this, but I have never seen an episode of Dr Who.
@pwbrewer That’s about right… 10 min for email, 75 min of Twitter, 5 min for coffee, now where was I?
@flyosity Music podcasts while working, talky podcasts while driving or mowing the grass.
@mikbre If your answer was “no”, then that was a rhetorical question. :-)
@jfmecca Already at 1 Credit Union, plus a few other banks. Don’t want to be stuck with my money in one place, too many things can go wrong.
Anyone else seeing OSX Mavericks locking up at the login screen after waking up from standby?
OK, it’s time for me to switch from Kickstarter lurker to contributor. It’s 99% invisible with @romanmars
We wrote a check at a store, someone later robbed the store, now bank wants to change our acct # (and up-sell us at the same time).
“The waterfall method amounts to a pledge by all parties not to learn anything while doing the actual work” @cshirky