@clubjuggler Usually, the tooth fairy leaves a “golden” dollar coin.
Weird, app store showed my new app v1.0 was available. Download showed new v1.0 icon while “loading”, but it downloaded the old v0.x app.
We’re having a two-fer (a “tooth-er”)! Two daughters, each lost a tooth tonight. The Tooth Fairy’s gonna be workin’ overtime.
It took Apple 7 days to approve the v1.0 update to Tipster, my first iphone app.
Many believe Google email attacks: (1) carried out by the Chinese gov’t (2) used back doors required by US gov’t - Who’s driving this bus?
Wonderful is your gift of knowledge / the more we share, the more it grows / the more we hoard it, the more it diminishes.
Making fiends, making fiends, Vendetta’s always making fiends, while Charlotte makes friends. ♫
This just in: Wake Schools Closed Tuesday
Rut roh! “A problem is preventing Windows from accurately checking the license for this computer. Error Code: 0x80004005”
@spiffytech I gave up wearing a watch last year… band broke and I never replaced it… have not missed it. #naked arms
@mikbre I am not sure what I am supposed to “get”. To me, it’s too small to use at home, and too big to keep in my pocket.
“Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode: or, How Not to Design Authentication” - http://bit.ly/8dyu8H