@mikbre Would be nice if this Hulu/noflash trick worked on the iPad nano (ahem, iPhone) also!
@mikbre Replace “Mason” with “Ike”, “Google” with “Apple”, and “Buzz” with “iPad”. I’m just sayin’.
[TOMORROW] Richard Hipp speaks at @TriLUG (http://trilug.org). He wrote SQLite, used in iphones, embedded, eclipse, firefox, and everywhere!
@Sheamus Just like postal mail that says “important”… it’s not.
The Jinx machine is out of order, please insert another quarter.
coxn Could we have this in Carrboro please? http://googleblog.blogsp…
Video ‘vloggers’ and news media: when I am at work, I am more likely to read your text than watch your videos.
@frijole Awesome teaser site… the artwork on the app and the web site both look really nice!
@frijole Got a teaser web site? What does it do? How much does it cost? MAKE ME WANT IT!
How deep is your twitter client’s scroll-back? Do you “catch up” in the morning, or just start with new tweets?
@fieldse I only found out about the arduino hack night at the last minute, so I did not go. Some of my friends did.