I notice that Google is increasingly searching for what it thinks I want, rather than for what I typed.
Writing a script to strip the “rotation” EXIF bits from my photo gallery images, because Apple browsers get confused and double-rotate them.
Just to be clear, taking out the trash is no “get out of jail free” card. I could still be subject to yelling-at in spite of my trash deeds.
It’s Monday night — trash night. As a kid, I got 50¢ for taking out the trash on Monday nights. Now, I just get “not yelled at”.
@mikbre Hand-me-down 2nd-gen (2GB) Shuffle.
My 8yo now has an iPod. I suppose now that she’s “plugged in”, we won’t hear much from her again until she’s ready for me to buy her a car.
@bobbyllew US viewer: It would help if CarPool <descrip> told guest’s claim-to-fame, not just “the lovely Mr XYZ”. We don’t know them. Thx!
I think the restaurant drugged our food… so sleepy… kids seem to be immune from the effects.
@mikbre I’ve not been paying attention to the Apple ecosystem lately. Now I see all the buzz over A6 Airs, convergence, etc. Reading more.
@mikbre Interesting thought - They ported OSX from PowerPC to Intel, and iOS runs on ARM already. Suppose they could make an ARM-based Mac?
Looking forward to the day that I can buy a high-performance ARM-based laptop. These Intel CPUs are like space heaters. #linux