Freaky: NPR story on “The Cat’s Table” by M.Ondaatje [1 hr later] D1 shows me her “book” (3 pg so far) about a 10yo girl on a voyage alone.
Freaky: NPR story on “The Cat’s Table” by M.Ondaatje [1 hr later] D1 shows me her “book” (3 pg so far) about a 10yo girl on a voyage alone.
Amazon’s Silk web browser is a cool idea, but it’s not new. Remember the Palm Pilot in 1999? Top Gun Wingman & HandWeb did the same thing.
Apple iOS 5… when minimalists learn to embrace their inner clutter.
Color-coding my emails. Running out of colors. Yellow = highlight, red = on fire, purple = painfully bruised. Time to start using brown.