For the record - our tent just barely fits in our garage (it’s drying out)
My kids are demanding paid memberships to #ClubPenguin.
@frijole You need to try to take a picture of some still, porpoise-less water. Maybe then they’ll pop in to “mess up” your picture!
I am happy to be back on Eastern “Standard” Time (which is only “standard” for 1/3 of the year). Extra hour of sleep, woot!
I just cobbled together a PHP script to dump my “PasswordSafe” database to a web browser, for simple (secure) web access to my passwords.
@pwbrewer @michaelbrewer Funny, I just tweeted about the word “pterodactyl”.
YMCA Indian Princess “Fall Outing” canceled due to lousy weather.
RT @wilw “I think it’s a sign of the apocalypse that not a single surly 12 year-old with a pillowcase and no costume has shown up tonight.”