I have shared 100 copies of Ubuntu 9.10 via bit torrent!
I just voted - sort of - one race on the ballot, I abstained.
I have never understood the writing practice of using “she” to mean the neutral “he”. Does the writer dole out he’s & she’s evenly?
Maybe it’s just me, but Ubuntu’s bug-reporting web site “launchpad” has never made sense to me.
Evangelizing Tiddlywiki today, http://www.tiddlywiki.com — it’s a wiki that’s small enough to fit in your pocket!
@cshirky And being “born American” has nothing to do with being born in the USA. http://2tu.us/10wz
Vote? For mayor? I thought the mayor was determined by @foursquare !
I’m not going, but it will be interesting to hear from folks who are attending the @Internet_Summit tomorrow. #isum09