Working on a couple of scripts to capture data from the 9/26 @ncnearspace balloon, Google-map it, and email it to followers!
Every time I hear “Paparazzi” by Lady Gaga, I think it sounds like “proper Nazi”… I bet @alyankovic could make that work. ♫
Watching a clip from The Jetsons on YouTube. Funny how it can be both futuristic and retro at the same time!
@alanjporter Do you have a WIKI for the book? For discussing tips & tricks?
@alanjporter At one point, they DO say “wiki wiki wiki … shut up!”
@alanjporter I thought about your book yesterday. Playing “Jam On It” by Newcleus (1984) for my kids. They sing “wiki wiki wiki”!
@CaliLewis That explains his crazy hair!
@jjx Sure beats the alternative (at least you have customers).