I already use aliases to filter email and Google Voice to filter phone calls. I wonder if/when I’ll need something similar for Twitter.
netik Prominent Internet Engineers sign on to fight the COICA act. http://t.co/LlAtF1h
@carleemallard Awesome job on PKN… thoughts from those 14 speakers will be stirring in my head for a long while.
Uh oh, somebody “fixed the glitch” at work. No, not THAT glitch… the drink machine no longer gives 10¢ too much change.
Man, all of this self-congratulatory back-patting from co-workers is making my back sore.
shawnp0wers Sometimes I make up words that are so phirschalt, they seem real!
gwenshap Java is to JavaScript as ham is to hamster.
@nprnews So you’ll be down to your NORMAL level of duplicate headlines?