Full moon + autumnal equinox = awesome!
@pwbrewer That’s why I did not ask YOU to do it.
@pwbrewer I already wrote the python script… now we need a LIVE PERSON to pass along status info while we’re drivin’ in the boonies!
chuck_kesler WOW!!! RT @bethbeck: http://twitpic.com/2qw4sh - Photo credit: Larry Tanner, USA
@astrohacklab I’ve been doing that a lot this week, too!
Lookiing for someone to play “mission control” for 9/26 @ncnearspace balloon launch: sit at PC, relay tweets/SMS to chase team, etc. DM me.
@bobbyllew BTW, if you limit your tweets to 126 chars (leaving 14), your followers can retweet w/o having to trim your content.