Twitter seems to have forgotten all of the DM’s I sent/received since March.
Sheamus Twinkie diet helps nutrition professor lose 27 pounds in 2 months, much to his chagrin.
Wonder if @pknraleigh is going to be OK for kids. PKN4 was aimed at adults: potty mouth MC, bar venue (even tho the best speaker was 12yo).
. @motersho was right… it was not the flux capacitor… I just needed to replace the box of lightning.
clubjuggler This has to be one of the worst miscarriages of justice I’ve seen yet - - avoiding felony charges by being a banker!
Civil Liberties v Nat’l Security “Terrorists are criminals & should be treated in the same manner as any other criminal.”
johndoerr How Obama Saved Capitalism and Lost the Midterms -
@llorenzin and @cyberbiota - sounds like a twitter tryst
@msteelePMP stay still,cover the wound, EMS has been dispatched to your IP address location
Car would not start this morning… I think it needs a new flux capacitor.