@beley Woah, automating ssh/scp is really easy, no messy expect scripts, use public keys! http://blog.alanporter.c…
@DaveTaylor How about some SQLite action? Nice b/c you can access it from bash, C/C++, Java, PHP, whatever! I used it on embedded Linux.
@DaveTaylor How about some SQLite action? Nice b/c you can access it from bash, C/C++, Java, PHP, whatever! I used it on embedded Linux.
LaughingSquid - @Bruce_Schneier on TSA’s Security Theater “This is a stupid game, and we should stop playing it.” http://nyti.ms/e1FmoB
Sweet, I just made macros in @tiddlywiki! I use TW to keep notes at work, the macros make links to our bug tracker and code review tool.
techdirt Who Needs COICA When Homeland Security Gets To Seize Domain Names? http://dlvr.it/9Nsqx
wilw “The traditional media has become so toothless it is reduced to attacking Wikileaks for doing its job properly.” http://bit.ly/gko7DL
Impressed that “Digitally Imported” (di.fm) was playing a song from my collection. Then saw my player had dropped di.fm, playing local mp3’s