likes nothing on ♥.
@NickFury very nice, and I learned something about the Mac (that it has a compatibility thingie for old powerpc apps)… now to clean my HD!
A new level of intimacy… wife and I now have *shared calendars* !
trianglehackers A Cool, FREE Processing and Arduino course from @oreillymedia and @creativeLIVE starts this week! -…
DSL line was down all PM, tinkered a bit, called AT&T, tinkered more while on hold, guy answers, then it starts working, “uh, never mind”.
mikbre Going to work and using Windows XP is like working in an automotive factory with rusty tools.
Oatmeal This is how I feel about buying apps
@NickFury “Rosetta” was what I meant when I said “weird pre-reqs or run-time env’s”. But I will look at it and possibly deem it “not weird”.
Last night, I had a weird dream. I had an iPad. The browser UI sucked, it kept 3D-rotating my web view, couldn’t read it, finally gave up.
Seeking recommendations for a simple Mac OSX “disk pie chart” program, prefer free, and w/o weird pre-reqs or run-time env’s.
The requirements shall be written such that the reader, when forced to read them, will fall asleep in his chair.
Another local (Greenville NC) balloon enthusiast with great photos, visualization maps, stitched panoramas! http://www.ryanbutcher.c…
@ryanbutcher Saw your spot on WITN. Local group in Raleigh did 2 launches on 8/22, great photos. Come hear them talk,
NatalieMerchant Free tonight in Durham? Retweet before 4, and you could be front row watching Natalie! #NatalieMerchantNC
@motersho Just insert an Ubuntu CD and type ctrl-alt-del, and you’ll stop having that problem.
Just saw that Darius Rucker (“Hootie”) will be at the NC State Fair this year. Too bad it’s in Dorton Arena, acoustics like an indoor pool.
ncnearspace Our first capsule that was lost was found yesterday! We opened it tonight and found great pictures. See